Mold Making
West systems epoxy and fiberglass sheets tapped over sculpt in layers. Mold halves were separated by aluminum sheets with keys to create a part line.
After multiple layers of fiberglass sheets are added, mats of thicker fiberglass are applied for stability. Bolts are inserted along part line to hold mold together.
WED clay applied in even thickness to create fiberglass core for future foam/latex skin casting
Foam core wall and clay keys for two-part fiberglass epoxy mold. Epoxy and fiberglass sheets tapped on in layers to create a rigid shell for future casting.
Clay was pressed into mold in even thickness to create a fiberglass core for foam skin casting.
Tin based silicone mixed with cabosil brushed over head core and layered with a plaster bandage shell in two halves. Used for casting head skulls to hold the latex and foam skin
outer shell of mold painted with latex and united with core to be injected with polyfoam.
Skin then lays over fiberglass skull.
TC 1630 vacuum form mold
Dragonskin brush on mold for face with a plaster bandage backing to hold shape. Face was then cast using Compat 45 to later be molded for vacuum forming.
vacuum form foam pull for final face using thick Zotefoam.
Backpack face brushed with platinum silicone with a plaster bandage outer shell. Face was then casted in poured polyfoam against a muslin sheet with a wooden plate for back pressure.
Small silicone molds for Dora earrings and teeth. Injected with Smooth-On 300
Backpack mouth insert vacuume-form buck. Pigmented platinum silicone brushed against face and backed with urethane plastic for stability.
Arm molded with tin based silicone and plaster bandage.
Cast with brushed on Compat 45 and backed with polyfoam.
Hyrdrocal mold cast in polyfoam.
Chest plate made with carbon fiber and epoxy laid on top of a hydrocal mold. Original hydrocal mold was molded from a foam patterned chest. Halves were then seamed together with carbon fiber and sanded smooth.
Stop-Motion molds
Zoe puppet plaster mold with registered armature.
Zoe one part head mold made out of GI 1000 silicone for urethane casts.
Two-part silicone mold with trenches for polyfoam to vent
Two-part face mask molds with delrin balls for keys.
two-part mold for silicone injection with syringe port in mold.